Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New job, new truck...

Since Josh graduated in December, I've been telling him, "You can start looking for a new truck when you get a job and we can buy a new truck when you get your first paycheck." Well, Old Red decided not to cooperate and was wanting to die early, so it got moved up a little bit. Last week we went and picked out a new truck for Josh. We had them hold it until we knew he had a job (the responsible accountant in me just couldn't buy it without knowing for sure we had the income to pay for it) and tonight we went and bought it. Josh is super excited, but I think it is going to take some time for it to register that it is actually his. Old Red was a good truck for us and lasted almost as long as we needed it to. Tonight we said goodbye to Old Red and welcomed a new truck into our we hope to have for many years to come!

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