Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Goals Update - July

Wow...July is over. It went by slow at first, but then flew by at the end. July was a very busy month for us with lots of changes...our apartment lease ended, we moved in with my grandparents temporarily, we took a weekend trip to San Antonio for a wedding, JOSH GOT A JOB, and now we're looking for a new place to live. Whew...that's a lot!

Here's the July update:

1.   Blog – I definitely kept up with the blog well in July. I caught up on everything from June and posted other things as they happened for July. Good news is that there should be more coming as football season starts up.
2.   Marathon Training – At the beginning of the month, I didn't do so well with running/walking/working out since I was in the final days before taking the second part of the CPA exam and then packing like crazy to move (although I did get a good work out packing and moving boxes...), but for the past 10 days or so, Josh and I have been going on evening walks around the neighborhood. It's been nice and relaxing and we're getting in a little bit of exercise.
3.   CPA – On July 7th, I took the second part of the CPA exam, BEC. I'm still waiting to get my score back on it and should have it back in the next week or so. I've started studying for the next part which I'll be taking on August 18th. After that one, I'll start up studying for the last part which I plan to take at the beginning of October. Hopefully after that I'll be done!
4.   Books – I finished book #6 early in the month, but haven't started book #7 yet. It's been a crazy month packing, moving, and studying, but hopefully we'll get settled somewhere soon and I'll be able to get back to reading.
5.   Clean out the clutter – We cleaned out a lot as we packed to move, but still have lots to go through when we unpack. Unfortunately, we ran out of time packing and just had to throw everything into the boxes without having a chance to really go through everything. We did take a big load to Goodwill and will probably be taking more in the next few months as we move, unpack, and get settled. 

August is starting out on a good note as it brings us the certainty we've been waiting for. It's nice to know where we'll be now, so we can begin the next phase. We'll be looking for a new place to live and getting moved in and settled soon, so that the chaos of football season can begin!

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