Friday, August 31, 2012

Goals Update - August

Where did August go? I can't believe it is already over! I guess time flies when you're having fun! August has been crazy busy...bought a new truck, moved into a duplex, took another part of the CPA exam, unpacked most of our boxes, football started, school started...whew, busy month!

Here's the August update:
1.   Blog – August hasn't been busy on the blog, but it has certainly been busy for us. With football season starting, there should be more regular postings with updates of how the team is doing.
2.   Marathon Training – The only work out I've been getting has been from unpacking boxes. It's been crazy around here, but with getting settled into a routine hopefully I can make working out be part of that routine.
3.   CPA – At the beginning of the month, I found out that I passed BEC, so 2 down, 2 to go! I took REG on August 18th and I'm still waiting to get my score back on that one. I'm really not sure how I did on it. I think I either barely passed or barely failed, but we'll see. I just started studying for (hopefully) my last part, FAR, and will take it at the beginning of October.
4.   Books – I started book #7 and am only about 10% through it. With getting settled I'll be able to read more. Just as I got caught up, I got behind again, but I still think I can finish my goal of 12 books for the year.
5.   Clean out the clutter – We haven't cleaned out much as we've unpacked yet since most of what's been unpacked has been necessary things. There's still plenty of time to go through things and get it out of our house.

Football season has begun! Richardson JV and Freshman played last night and Varsity opens play tonight against Irving MacArthur. Baylor starts their season on Sunday against SMU. I'm so excited for football season to be here even though it means Josh is working 7 days a week. I guess it just means lots of me time (or study time...)!

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