Saturday, December 1, 2012

Top 5 Things I Learned in my 1st Season as a Coach's Wife

I got a little taste of the coaching world and what it's like to be a Coach's wife last year when Josh helped out with the football team during his student teaching. It prepared me a little bit for the first season of him being a full-time coach, but there were still some things that I learned this season. I'm sure each new season will bring new things to learn and experience, but probably not as much as this first year.

Top 5 Things I Learned in my 1st Season as a Coach's Wife:

5. Friday night into Saturday morning is a very short night. Late when you get home from the game, early morning work for Coach.

4. Saturday is laundry day. If the laundry gets done on Saturday, there is no worrying on Thursday night that Coach’s game day clothes are clean and Coach is happy because all of his favorite practice clothes are clean and ready for Monday morning.

3. You always need more shirts with the school name on it or in school colors. You don’t want to be seen in the same thing every week!

2. People outside the coaching world don’t have a clue how many hours coaches put in every week. Most are shocked when they find out Coach works 7 days a week.

1. Coach loves looking up in the stands and seeing you there cheering for him and the team. It’s one of his favorite things! (He said so himself!)

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