Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Goals in Review

2012 was a roller coaster of a year for us with lots of ups and downs. There are many people that will say they are glad 2012 is over, but for me it brought me another year of growth and opportunities to make myself a better person.
Here's my original goals that I set back in January:
1. Start a blog and post regularly.
2. Run a marathon.
3. Be a CPA by the end of 2012 – Study for, take, and pass the CPA exam.
4. Read 12 books – one each month.  
5. Clean out the clutter - trash/donate any unwanted/unneeded items.

I did really well with most of my goals this year.
1. I started by blog and posted regularly to it. There were some months that I posted more than others, but I kept with it all year long.
2. I didn't run a marathon, but I did start being active which was my main purpose of this goal. I ran regularly in January and February, then didn't do much until this fall when I started working out with some girls from work. Then in November and December, I took a 6 week kick-boxing class. I really enjoyed this class and will probably take it again some time in 2013.
3. I completed my goal of passing the CPA exam and am very close to being fully certified. A little bit of paperwork and an ethics course are all that stands between me and my license!
4. I came oh-so-close to completing 12 books this year. I am 25% of the way done with book #12 right now.
5. We cleaned out a lot of clutter this year giving lots of things away and trashing more. We still have more we need to clean out, but we are well on our way to de-cluttering our house/lives.

I'm proud of how I achieved or made progress towards my goals in 2012. I am still working on finalizing my goals for 2013 and will share them soon (hopefully no later than the end of the week). Blogging about my goals has helped to keep me accountable to them and has provided lots of encouragement from you. Thank you for your support and I'm looking forward to your continued support and encouragement in 2013.