Friday, November 30, 2012

Goals Update - November

November was a busy month with finishing up football season (including playoffs!), starting a new kickboxing class after work, and the beginning of the holidays.
Here's the update for November:
1.   Blog – I've didn't post much other than football reports, but we haven't had much going on except for football. I'll keep posting what's going on over the next month.
2.   Marathon Training – As I said last month, I'm not going to be running a marathon this year. I did however start a kickboxing class every day after work. This is week 3 of the the 6 week class and I'm really enjoying it. It's been a fun new way to exercise!
3.   CPA – At the beginning of November I found out that I passed FAR, so I am done with the CPA exam!! Just a little paperwork and an ethics course stand between me and being completely certified!
4.   Books – I didn't read really at all during November, so I have to read 3 books during December to complete my goal. I better pick up a book soon!
5.   Clean out the clutter – We are pretty much done unpacking our house now and have a box of giveaway/goodwill things. There's a few other things I need to go through then I'll be making a trip to Goodwill.

I can't believe December is here...2012 has gone by fast! Christmas and 2013 will be here soon!

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