Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Goals

Happy New Year! I finally finished setting my goals for 2013! I did really well on my goals for 2012 and hope to have as much or more success with my 2013 goals. I really enjoyed having something to work towards and goals to complete for the year, so more goals for 2013 it is!

Here's my 2013 goals:
1. Be active.
2. Read 13 books.
3. Learn to sew.
4. Pay off 20% of our debt.
5. Have dinner/game night/etc. with friends once a month.

A little explanation on why I set these goals and how I'm going to accomplish them...

1. Be active - I want to make exercise a part of my life, not just something I do sometimes. I want it to become an every day kind of thing. Being active takes on many forms whether it's doing a program like Insanity (starting tomorrow!), taking a kick-boxing class, running, going on nightly walks with the hubby, skiing...the possibilities are endless.

2. Read 13 books - In 2012, I read (almost) 12 books, so I decided to go for reading 13 books in 2013. One of the reasons, I struggled with meeting my books goal last year was because of studying for the CPA exam. After a few hours of hard studying, I did not want to pick up a book and read more whether it was for fun or not. I don't have any studying this year, so it should be much easier to complete this goal.

3. Learn to sew - I know in my head how to sew, but I need A LOT of practice. I also need to learn when to use what stitches, what types of material for what things, etc. I keep seeing things on Pinterest that I want to make, but need to know how to sew to make it. :)

4. Pay off 20% of our debt - The only debt Josh and I have is student loans and the truck. We've come up with a plan to have all of our debt paid off within 5 years (no later than the end of 2017), so for year 1 we need to pay off 20%. We'll have to make some sacrifices and make sure we stick to our budget, but I really think we can do it and it will be nice to be debt free!

5. Have dinner/game night/etc. with friends once a month - I want to stay connected with friends better and spend more quality time with them, so I thought this would be a good way. Some months we may do a double date night out to dinner, other months we may do a big game night and invite lots of people over, or go camping. We're open to all sorts of ideas! Friends, be ready when we ask or reserve a month now! :)

Well, there you have goals for 2013. There are other things I'm hoping to do this year too, but these are my main goals that I want to be held accountable for. Be on the lookout for updates throughout the year!

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