Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goals Update - September

September has been a busy month for us with getting into the routine of football, finishing studying for my last test, and getting settled into our new place. Football season is now in full swing and we are even getting close to the halfway point in the season. The team is currently 1-3, but started district play on a good note with their first win!

Here's the update for September:

1.   Blog – I've done pretty well with blogging this month. The football reports will keep coming as the season continues.
2.   Marathon Training – I finally found a way to workout/run while working, studying, and going to football games! A few weeks ago, I started working out during my lunch break with a few of the girls at work. We go 4 times a week, then take Fridays off. It's been great to have people to push me when I don't really want to go and in turn, push them when they don't want to go. We've been going for 3 weeks now and it's going great!
3.   CPA – Early in September, I found out that I passed REG! That was a big relief because I really wasn't too sure about that one. I take my last test tomorrow (!) and then hopefully I'll be done! It's going to be really weird not having the "I should be studying" feeling all the time. I'm going to have free time that I haven't had in oh...about 6 months. It's going to be awesome!
4.   Books – I finished book #7 this month and I'm about 73% of the way through book #8. I'll be able to finish that one in the next few days then get started on book #9. I'll definitely be able to finish 4+ books in the next 3 months since I won't have any more studying to do after tomorrow!
5.   Clean out the clutter – I'll be hitting this one big in October as I finish unpacking our boxes. There have been some things that were left packed away in boxes at our apartment because we didn't have room for it, but if we don't use something in our house now, we probably won't ever use it so time to give it away!

September has been a great month for us! We've gotten into football season, Josh got his first paycheck, I'm almost done with's just been a good month! October is bringing lots more football, Rangers post-season baseball, then the holidays will be here before we know it!

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