Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Richardson Pearce

Last night was the big rivalry game for Richardson against Pearce and RHS was victorious!! The Eagles got their first win of the season beating Pearce 50-35! The rivalry is pretty cool to me. The two schools share the stadium they play in and this game is played for naming rights of the stadium. The winning team determines if the stadium is called Eagle-Mustang or Mustang-Eagle (with the winning team's name first, of course). For the 3rd year in a row, Richardson defeated Pearce, so the stadium will continue to be called Eagle-Mustang Stadium. The team played well last night and the boys were very excited to get their first win, especially with it coming over Pearce. It was a cooler, drizzly night, but it just feels like football season to me (and luckily we didn't get too wet).

Season Record: 1-3

Next Week: RHS vs Dallas Sunset

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