Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book #7 - Bridesmaid Lotto

Today I finished book #7, Bridesmaid Lotto by Rachel Astor.  This was another one of my free Kindle books. (You can find lots of them if you just look!) This book started out a little slow, but picked up not very far into it. Anyway, here is the synopsis of the book from Amazon:
Josephine McMaster is pretty and smart, but very much a klutzy mess. Finally, at 26, she may have actually lost the dreaded ‘McMaster the Disaster’ nickname that has followed her around her whole life.

Josie’s quite content to be single, much to her mother’s disappointment. So when a bizarre contest is announced where a socialite is holding a lottery to pick her bridesmaids (and rake in a little extra cash), she can’t roll her eyes fast enough, even if it does mean meeting Jake Hall, her one and only movie star crush. Obviously, Josie doesn’t enter the bridesmaid lottery, so you can imagine her surprise when her picture pops up among the winners, thanks to Mom. With a little prodding -- okay bribing -- Josie agrees to participate.

The wedding turns into the event of the year, and Josie finds herself in the middle of a paparazzi feeding frenzy, which gets even crazier after Jake Hall takes a special interest in her.

Can Josie handle the pressure in the spotlight? Is it possible she might really have a chance with Jake Hall? And if she’s busy worrying about all that, how in the heck is she going to keep ‘McMaster the Disaster’ from showing up in front of the entire world?
I enjoyed this book and towards the end it got hard to put down. You can really relate to the main character, Josie, because who hasn't felt like the most awkward, disastrous person in the world at some point in their life. It's a good love story that's mostly predictable with a few twists. If you are looking for some light-hearted reading, this is a good book for you.

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