Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goals Update - September

September has been a busy month for us with getting into the routine of football, finishing studying for my last test, and getting settled into our new place. Football season is now in full swing and we are even getting close to the halfway point in the season. The team is currently 1-3, but started district play on a good note with their first win!

Here's the update for September:

1.   Blog – I've done pretty well with blogging this month. The football reports will keep coming as the season continues.
2.   Marathon Training – I finally found a way to workout/run while working, studying, and going to football games! A few weeks ago, I started working out during my lunch break with a few of the girls at work. We go 4 times a week, then take Fridays off. It's been great to have people to push me when I don't really want to go and in turn, push them when they don't want to go. We've been going for 3 weeks now and it's going great!
3.   CPA – Early in September, I found out that I passed REG! That was a big relief because I really wasn't too sure about that one. I take my last test tomorrow (!) and then hopefully I'll be done! It's going to be really weird not having the "I should be studying" feeling all the time. I'm going to have free time that I haven't had in oh...about 6 months. It's going to be awesome!
4.   Books – I finished book #7 this month and I'm about 73% of the way through book #8. I'll be able to finish that one in the next few days then get started on book #9. I'll definitely be able to finish 4+ books in the next 3 months since I won't have any more studying to do after tomorrow!
5.   Clean out the clutter – I'll be hitting this one big in October as I finish unpacking our boxes. There have been some things that were left packed away in boxes at our apartment because we didn't have room for it, but if we don't use something in our house now, we probably won't ever use it so time to give it away!

September has been a great month for us! We've gotten into football season, Josh got his first paycheck, I'm almost done with's just been a good month! October is bringing lots more football, Rangers post-season baseball, then the holidays will be here before we know it!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Richardson Pearce

Last night was the big rivalry game for Richardson against Pearce and RHS was victorious!! The Eagles got their first win of the season beating Pearce 50-35! The rivalry is pretty cool to me. The two schools share the stadium they play in and this game is played for naming rights of the stadium. The winning team determines if the stadium is called Eagle-Mustang or Mustang-Eagle (with the winning team's name first, of course). For the 3rd year in a row, Richardson defeated Pearce, so the stadium will continue to be called Eagle-Mustang Stadium. The team played well last night and the boys were very excited to get their first win, especially with it coming over Pearce. It was a cooler, drizzly night, but it just feels like football season to me (and luckily we didn't get too wet).

Season Record: 1-3

Next Week: RHS vs Dallas Sunset

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friday Night Lights: BYE Week

This week was Richardson's bye week, so we got a week of not-as-late nights and a Friday evening off. This included Josh getting to leave earlier on Monday, so we could go watch Zach play in his first middle school football game! Zach started on defense and was in on the kickoffs too. Unfortunately, Kimbrough lost at the very end of the game, but it was fun to get to watch him play!

Next week: RHS vs Richardson Pearce

Zach is #17

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Allen

Last night Richardson played Allen High School at their brand new stadium. Knowing how good and big  Allen is, I was honestly dreading this game, but the kids fought hard and even threatened to make it a very interesting game late in the first half. They will forever hold the place in history of scoring the first opponent's points in Allen's stadium! I am extremely proud of how hard and how well the team played. The final score was 52-17, but it doesn't come close to representing just how well our guys played. If they will play as hard the rest of the season as they played last night, they will win games...maybe even upset a few teams!

Season Record: 0-3

Next week: BYE week

A few pictures of the stadium since I know everyone is wondering what it looks like!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book #7 - Bridesmaid Lotto

Today I finished book #7, Bridesmaid Lotto by Rachel Astor.  This was another one of my free Kindle books. (You can find lots of them if you just look!) This book started out a little slow, but picked up not very far into it. Anyway, here is the synopsis of the book from Amazon:
Josephine McMaster is pretty and smart, but very much a klutzy mess. Finally, at 26, she may have actually lost the dreaded ‘McMaster the Disaster’ nickname that has followed her around her whole life.

Josie’s quite content to be single, much to her mother’s disappointment. So when a bizarre contest is announced where a socialite is holding a lottery to pick her bridesmaids (and rake in a little extra cash), she can’t roll her eyes fast enough, even if it does mean meeting Jake Hall, her one and only movie star crush. Obviously, Josie doesn’t enter the bridesmaid lottery, so you can imagine her surprise when her picture pops up among the winners, thanks to Mom. With a little prodding -- okay bribing -- Josie agrees to participate.

The wedding turns into the event of the year, and Josie finds herself in the middle of a paparazzi feeding frenzy, which gets even crazier after Jake Hall takes a special interest in her.

Can Josie handle the pressure in the spotlight? Is it possible she might really have a chance with Jake Hall? And if she’s busy worrying about all that, how in the heck is she going to keep ‘McMaster the Disaster’ from showing up in front of the entire world?
I enjoyed this book and towards the end it got hard to put down. You can really relate to the main character, Josie, because who hasn't felt like the most awkward, disastrous person in the world at some point in their life. It's a good love story that's mostly predictable with a few twists. If you are looking for some light-hearted reading, this is a good book for you.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Frisco Wakeland

Week 2 of the football season had Richardson playing Frisco Wakeland. This was a fun match-up since Josh's cousins go to Wakeland. It was great to get to see Ethan and Grant march at halftime as they have a very good band. Unfortunately, once again, the game didn't go our way and the Eagles lost 61-24. Hopefully the team can learn from their mistakes and power on to next week.

Season Record: 0-2

Next week: RHS at Allen

Coach is hard at work
The Wakeland band looked great!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Irving MacArthur

Friday night was the first varsity football game of the 2012 season for Richardson. They played Irving MacArthur at home. Unfortunately, RHS lost 55-26. It was a long game to begin the season (it was after 11 when we left the field), but the good news is that the team can learn and grow from this loss and they get to play again next week!

Season Record: 0-1

Next week: RHS at Frisco Wakeland