Friday, August 31, 2012

Goals Update - August

Where did August go? I can't believe it is already over! I guess time flies when you're having fun! August has been crazy busy...bought a new truck, moved into a duplex, took another part of the CPA exam, unpacked most of our boxes, football started, school started...whew, busy month!

Here's the August update:
1.   Blog – August hasn't been busy on the blog, but it has certainly been busy for us. With football season starting, there should be more regular postings with updates of how the team is doing.
2.   Marathon Training – The only work out I've been getting has been from unpacking boxes. It's been crazy around here, but with getting settled into a routine hopefully I can make working out be part of that routine.
3.   CPA – At the beginning of the month, I found out that I passed BEC, so 2 down, 2 to go! I took REG on August 18th and I'm still waiting to get my score back on that one. I'm really not sure how I did on it. I think I either barely passed or barely failed, but we'll see. I just started studying for (hopefully) my last part, FAR, and will take it at the beginning of October.
4.   Books – I started book #7 and am only about 10% through it. With getting settled I'll be able to read more. Just as I got caught up, I got behind again, but I still think I can finish my goal of 12 books for the year.
5.   Clean out the clutter – We haven't cleaned out much as we've unpacked yet since most of what's been unpacked has been necessary things. There's still plenty of time to go through things and get it out of our house.

Football season has begun! Richardson JV and Freshman played last night and Varsity opens play tonight against Irving MacArthur. Baylor starts their season on Sunday against SMU. I'm so excited for football season to be here even though it means Josh is working 7 days a week. I guess it just means lots of me time (or study time...)!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Chile Colorado Burritos

Tonight we tried a new recipe for dinner that I found on Pinterest (of course, where else?!). It is an easy mostly cooked in the crock pot recipe and was delicious! Here is the original post where the recipe can be found. I changed it up slightly, but overall followed the recipe. We'll definitely be making these again as they are so easy and so good! Here is the recipe if you want to try them!

Chile Colorado Burritos

1 1/2 to 2 pounds stew meat
1 large can of chili (I use Wolf brand)
2 beef bouillon cubes
1 can refried beans
8 - 10 tortillas
1 cup of shredded cheese (I use fiesta blend)

Put beef, bouillon, and enchilada sauce into a crock pot and cook on low for 7-8 hours (or the entire time you are at work). Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and heat up the refried beans in microwave or on stovetop. On cookie sheet, lay out a tortilla and place about 1/2 cup of meat on tortilla drained with a slotted spoon along with a spoonful of refried beans. Roll into a burrito. Repeat until all the meat has been used. Pour remaining chili on top of burritos and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes until cheese is melted. Serve.

I was able to make 9 burritos out of this and easily could have made more as some of them were very full. I probably could have made 12 burritos without skimping on the meat in them.
My pictures never look as good as the people's I get the recipes from...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Roughriders vs Naturals

Last Sunday night Josh and I went to the Frisco Roughriders game against the Northwest Arkansas Naturals for our last date night before football completely takes over. Minor League baseball games are a lot of fun since the ballpark is so small and you're so close to the action. Add in all-you-can-eat ballpark food, a free hat and shirt, and a Roughriders win and it's a great night!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New job, new truck...

Since Josh graduated in December, I've been telling him, "You can start looking for a new truck when you get a job and we can buy a new truck when you get your first paycheck." Well, Old Red decided not to cooperate and was wanting to die early, so it got moved up a little bit. Last week we went and picked out a new truck for Josh. We had them hold it until we knew he had a job (the responsible accountant in me just couldn't buy it without knowing for sure we had the income to pay for it) and tonight we went and bought it. Josh is super excited, but I think it is going to take some time for it to register that it is actually his. Old Red was a good truck for us and lasted almost as long as we needed it to. Tonight we said goodbye to Old Red and welcomed a new truck into our we hope to have for many years to come!