Thursday, July 5, 2012

Book #6 - Bound To You

On Monday, I finished book #6 of the year, Bound To You by Vanessa Holland. This was yet another free book I found and downloaded to my Kindle. I'm getting good at finding free books! :) I really liked this book too. It was another one that was hard to put down. It was so hard for me to put down that I found myself reading when I should have been studying! Oops... Anyway, here is the synopsis of the book from Amazon:
A night of passion has forever bound Jenna Morgan to a man she thought she would spend her future with. Instead, he dumped her with barely a word of explanation and left the state. Three years later, she’s a single mom struggling to provide for her son and young sister, and harassed by an obsessed stalker. 
After leaving home three years ago to run his aging grandfather’s ranch in Texas, Sam Strickland returns to Tennessee to discover a child he didn’t know existed. He thought he was saving Jenna’s future when he left home, and left her behind. He never dreamed he’d return to see a child with eyes the same shade as his own - and Jenna in serious trouble.
Sam thinks his only dilemma is whether he can earn back the trust of the woman he loves and commit to the responsibility of fatherhood. But Jenna’s life is more complicated than he could have imagined and he finds himself involved in a dangerous situation that could threaten his new son’s life.
I really liked this book because it tells the story from both Jenna's and Sam's points of view. The author switches back and forth with whose side of the story she's telling. You, the reader, get the privilege of knowing what both characters are thinking.  The author does a great job with developing the characters and storyline without being predictable, which is part of the reason it was so hard to put down.

We're now just over half way through the year with half of my goal complete. I am confident that I will be able to finish another book by the end of July and be on track for the rest of the year. Once again, I'm not sure which book I'll read next, but whatever it is I won't be starting it until at least Saturday after I take the next part of the CPA exam...I must study until then! And now, the break is over...back to the studying...

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