Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Goals Update - January

I'll be doing a monthly goals update on the last day of every month. It will give me a time to reflect on the month and see my progress toward acheiving my goals.

Here's the January update:

1.   Blog – I’d say I’ve done pretty well at posting on the blog regularly. It’s definitely been all sorts of random things, but hey I told you it would be. Stay tuned for more blog posts.
2.   Marathon Training – I am happy to say I am on track with my training. I've been very consistent in my running, going 3-4 times a week. I am actually enjoying the running (surprising, I know!). I just hope I don’t get tired of it in a few months. I think scheduling races and having short term goals will definitely help me achieve the long term goal of running the marathon in December. I’ve got the first 5K of the year on the calendar for March 3rd. I’ll be running the Allen Eagle 5K with Josh, my aunt, cousin, and brother…more on that to come.
3.   CPA –  I took step 1 and installed the study software on my computer and made a study plan. I was hoping to be able to take AUD at the end of February, but unfortunately won't be able to. I've got to get my name changed with the Board and on my 2nd id, so that all my paperwork matches. One day I'll finally finish changing my name on everything!
4.   Books – I'm about halfway through my first book. It was slow starting out, but it's picking up now. I'll have to read faster during the other 11 months of the year to make my goal. :)
5.   Clean out the clutter – In January, we focused on cleaning out our closets, getting rid of clothes, shoes, and accessories that don’t fit or that we just don’t wear anymore (read more here). As a bonus, we also cleaned out our den/study some. It could definitely still use some more work, but we got a good start on it. Not sure where we’ll focus in February...I’ll let you know what we decide.

Bonus: We were able to pay off $8,450 of our debt paying off my car and some of Josh's student loans. (No, we're not rolling in the dough around here, we've just made smart financial decisions.) We still have a ways to go (yay student loans!), but we're definitely happy to have this chunk out of the way!

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