Sunday, January 8, 2012


Josh and I went to Disneyland for a few days at the end of December for a short vacation and to celebrate New Year's. We got up early on Thursday morning (we were at the airport at 4:30 am CST, 2:30 am PST) and flew to LA, heading straight to Disneyland as soon as we arrived.

We spent Thursday at the Disneyland Park, then turned in early since it had been a very long day for us.

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters ride

Walt Disney and Mickey "Partners" Statue

It's a Small World decorated for Christmas

On Friday, we used our Magic Morning passes to go into the park an hour early and rode some of the popular rides before the park opened to the public. We ran all over the park and rode probably close to 10 rides in about an hour and a half. (I highly recommend taking advantage of this if you go and it's part of your tickets - and Fast Passes too, but that's a whole different thing. If you're going to Disney, ask me about Fast Passes and I'll explain them.) After running all over Disneyland, we hopped over to California Adventure to spend the rest of our day. California Adventure wasn't nearly as crowded as Disneyland, so we were able to ride everything we wanted to ride plus some as well as see several shows. Friday night, we got to see the World of Color show and it is AWESOME!! Disney puts on the best shows!

World of Color cool!

Saturday (New Year's Eve), we got up early again to head to Disneyland. It was extremely crowded, so we spent much of the day waiting and watching shows and parades. Thankfully, on Thursday and Friday we were able to ride most of the rides we wanted to ride, so we didn't have to wait in the ridiculously long lines on Saturday. We were able to watch Fantasmic on Friday night and it was just as cool as World of Color. As it gets closer to midnight, Main Street USA becomes a big party that I would say is probably close to what it's like in Times Square on New Year's Eve. There is a big fireworks show at midnight that I'm sure was great, but we couldn't see because of crazy heavy fog that rolled in Saturday night.

Fantasmic! (It's Fantasia Mickey...can't you tell?!)

Happy New Year!!

On Sunday, we toured around LA - finding the Hollywood sign, driving through Beverly Hills, walking the Hollywood Walk of Fame, had our first In and Out burgers (way overrated), then headed back to the airport to fly home. And you've probably already read about my experience there, so I won't go into that again (I'm still mad though!).

Overall we had a great vacation, but it was very exhausting! I was definitely glad I had Monday off before I had to go back to work on Tuesday. I needed a day to sleep! I've put a few pictures from our trip on the blog, but if you want to see more, check out the album on Facebook.

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