Saturday, June 30, 2012

Goals Update - June

Half of 2012 is did that happen?! June went by incredibly fast. Of course, part of that is because we spent a week of it on vacation celebrating our 1st anniversary! We had a great time on our cruise and I think it is safe to say we will be going on more cruises in the future as Josh really enjoyed himself. (This was my 5th cruise, so obviously I like to cruise!) I can't believe the summer is flying by so quickly and July is already upon us. Then again, when does the summer not fly by?

Here's the June update:

1.   Blog – I've done good with the blog for June. I have a few things I need to catch up on, but that's what happens when you go on vacation for a week.
2.   Marathon Training – Like in May, studying took the place of running, working out, and pretty much everything else except for work and sleeping (and a little vacation) in June. I've put a plan together for July that will allow me to keep up with my studying, but also get some running and working out in. Hopefully it works out like I planned and I can get things balanced a little more.
3.   CPA – I passed Audit!!! 1 down, 3 to go! I'll be taking my next part, BEC - Business Environment and Concepts, in a week on July 7th. I've got a lot of reviewing of what I studied before vacation between now and then, but I should be ready. After taking BEC, I'll jump right into studying for the next part, Regulation (REG), and will probably be taking that one towards the end of August.
4.   Books – I finished book #5 and started on book #6. I'm 41% of the way through book #6 and will hopefully finish soon, so that by the end of July I will be caught up and on track to finishing my 12 books this year.
5.   Clean out the clutter – We did a little bit of cleaning this month. We've got a stack of stuff that needs to go to Goodwill, but that's about it. We'll be cleaning out a lot more in the next few weeks as we pack up our apartment and move. We still don't know where we're moving to, but should know more in the next 2 weeks or so. Hopefully by July 20th we'll know or otherwise we'll be homeless! 

July will be bringing about some changes for us. Hopefully Josh will find a job soon and we'll have a new place to live. The uncertainty about our future has been incredibly hard (especially for a planner like me) and we are just so ready to know where we'll be so we can begin to move on and plan for and experience the next stages of our life.

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