Sunday, June 24, 2012

Book #5 - Suddenly a Spy

Today I finished book #5 of the year, Suddenly a Spy by Heather Huffman. This was another free book that I found on Amazon. When I read the synopsis on Amazon, it seemed like it could be an interesting book, and, since it was free, I downloaded it. I'm very glad I did! This book pulls you in from the beginning. It has lots of action, a little romance and you're always wondering what's going to happen next. It's definitely one that's hard to put down once you start. I think this book could be a good movie even. It wouldn't be Oscar winning or anything, but it'd be one of those that the guys would want to go see for the action, but the girls would want to see for the romantic story line. If you have a chance, check it out. I would definitely recommend this book. Here's the synopsis from Amazon if you want to know more about the book:
On her wedding day, Veronica Sinclair thinks she has it all: the loving family, the Vera Wang dress, the hunky husband. But then a mysterious and beautiful woman shows up at the reception, suggesting Veronica's new hubby isn't exactly who he says he is. As if that weren't enough, Veronica and Richard must flee gunmen in the middle of their honeymoon, convincing Veronica she got more than she bargained for when she said, "I do."

Thrown into a world of espionage, seduction, and human trafficking, Veronica must fight for the life and husband she thought she had - and she must discover whether they are the life and husband she truly wants.

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