Sunday, April 1, 2012

Goals Update - March

I know today is April 1st, but Josh and I went camping this weekend (more on that to come), so I wasn't able to post my goals update for March yesterday. March went by extremely fast. It's like I blinked and it was over. I guess time flies when you're having fun! 

Here's March's update:

1.   Blog – I didn't blog as much in March as I would have liked to, but I feel like I'm still posting on a fairly consistent basis, so it's all good.
2.   Marathon Training – After the 5K at the beginning of March, my running took a big downward turn. I was sore for a few days after the race, so I took a few days to rest, but never really picked it back up. I ran a few days here and there, but haven't been consistent at all with it. I need to find another race to register for, so I can have something to train for again. I'll be doing the gym orientation at work this week too so I can start running there and avoid the ghettoness that is our apartment complex and neighborhood. Hopefully that will help get me back motivated too.
3.   CPA –  Well, I got my name changed with the board and now I'm just waiting get to my passport back so my IDs will match, then I will be good to go. I just need to pick a test, register, and start studying!
4.   Books – I finished book #1 and am now 73% of the way done with book #2. I expect to finish it in the next week or so, then on to book #3. I should be able to get back on track with reading 12 books this year sometime in April or May.
5.   Clean out the clutter – This month we didn't really clean anything out, but we did organize a few things and we've got a few things ready to go to goodwill. No major progress here, but we did a lot in January and February and honestly probably won't do a whole lot more on here until we move this summer (don't know where we're moving to, but we are getting out of this apartment!)

Overall March was full of ups and downs. I backslid in some places, moved up in others, and stayed steady in the rest. April should be a very fun month. Lots of wonderful things to look forward to...opening day, my best friend's wedding, and much more!

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