Monday, April 30, 2012

Goals Update - April

Wow - I can't believe another month of 2012 is over! This year is flying by! April was a good month for us, got some good relaxation in, but got started on some big goals too and had lots of fun!

Here's April's update:

1.   Blog – I did much better blogging in April than I did in March. I hope to continue to blog more as life continues to happen.
2.   Marathon Training – This has gone down hill fast. I haven't been running or working out or anything. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to get back on track with this, but I'll come up with something. Just not sure what to do...
3.   CPA –  I made a lot of progress here in April. I got my passport back, so now I have my matching ids and am ready to go. I also scheduled my first exam and started studying! I'll be taking the Audit portion on May 19th. (Josh will be taking the Social Studies certification test on this day too, so pray for both of us! It'll be a big testing day for both of us.)
4.   Books – I finished book #2 and am 52% through book #3. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon and can move on to book #4. I am confident that by the end of June, I'll be on track and finished with 6 books. We'll see, but with the sunny days of summer coming, my days of sitting by the pool reading are increasing!
5.   Clean out the clutter – Didn't really do much as far as cleaning out clutter this month and as I said before, we probably won't do much more until we're getting ready to move.

May is already looking to be a very busy month for us. The next few weekends we'll be headed to College Station for Final Review, headed to Waco for my sister's graduation from Baylor, and then it's test weekend. At least the weekend we have off at the end of the month is a nice long weekend thanks to Memorial Day!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Annie's Wedding

This weekend I had the honor of being in my best friend's wedding.  It's hard to believe that Annie and I have been friends since high school! I am blessed by her friendship and was truly honored to be a part of her special day. Congratulations Annie and Daniel!!

Here's a few pictures from the wedding:
The beautiful ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pevy!
First Dance
Cutting the cake

With the newlyweds!

For more pictures, see my album on facebook.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book #2 - Fools Rush In

On Saturday, I finished book #2 of the year, Fools Rush In (Weddings by Bella, book one) by Janice Thompson. I found it on Amazon for my Kindle for free. Can't beat a free book! It was a great light-hearted book, my favorite kind. Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Bella Rossi may be nearing thirty, but her life is just starting to get interesting. When her Italian-turned-Texan parents hand over the family wedding planning business, Bella is determined not to let them down. She quickly books a "Boot Scoot'n" wedding that would make any Texan proud. There's only one catch--she's a country music numbskull because her family only listens to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Where will she find a DJ on such short notice who knows his Alan Jackson from his Keith Urban?

When a misunderstanding leads her to the DJ (and man) of her dreams, things start falling into place. But with a family like hers, nothing is guaranteed. Can the perfect Texan wedding survive a pizza-making uncle with mob ties, an aunt who is a lawsuit waiting to happen, and a massive delivery of 80 cowboy boots? And will Bella ever get to plan her own wedding?
I definitely enjoyed it. It was oh so cheesy and you knew what was going to happen, but I enjoyed it all the same. I always like a happy ending! :) Next up is the next book in the Weddings by Bella series, Swinging on a Star (Weddings by Bella, book two) by Janice Thompson.

Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Baseball Time in Texas!

Today is Opening Day for the Texas Rangers!! Oh how I wish I was going to the game today! I did take the day off so I can at least watch the game. :)

In honor of Opening Day, here's some fun pictures from Rangers games the past few years...

Here's some pictures of the changes to the ballpark that I took when we went out to the exhibition game on Tuesday night.

This is the new eating area in center field.
The view of the Batter's Eye Club in center field. We sneaked a peek inside and it looks awesome!
Just a picture from the game :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

National Champs!!

Congrats to the Baylor Lady Bears on winning the National Championship!!! 40-0 for the season!!

Last night, I was taken back to my sophomore year at Baylor when the Lady Bears won their first National Championship! Oh I remember that was so much fun! Celebrations broke out all over campus and in the neighborhood around campus. I walked all around with my roommates to celebrate with the rest of the student body. It was sooo exciting! I hope the students on campus last night once again broke out in celebration. It's an exciting time to be a Baylor Bear!!