Monday, March 5, 2012

Allen Eagle 5K

On Saturday, I ran the Allen Eagle 5K with my cousin, aunt, brother, and Josh. I didn't really have a time goal to finish in, but I was sure I could finish in 45 minutes or less. My main goal was to run the entire race and not stop to walk, which I am proud to say I accomplished! I finished in 40:58, which I'm very happy with and, honestly, is about where I thought I'd be. It's nice to see my running and training paying off. Two months ago, there's no way I would have been able to run 3.1 miles. I'll definitely be keeping up my training and we're already looking to see what our next race is going to be. I'm also very proud of my family for how well all of them did! It was a lot of fun running with everyone and thanks to Emily and Art for being such great cheerleaders (and photographers)! I'm excited for the next race!!

Before the race

Cindy, Jonathan, Josh, me, Joey

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