Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Goals Update - February

February has been a crazy month for us filled with many unexpected things. Josh’s mom had an unexpected surgery and was in the hospital for about a week, so his youngest brother stayed with us for about a week and a half. That was an adventure in itself! All he wanted to do was play xbox 24 hours a day and he wasn’t too happy when I commandeered the TV for The Bachelor one night. :)

Anyway, here's the update for February:

1.   Blog – I haven’t done as well blogging in February as I did in January. I'm hoping to do better in March.
2.   Marathon Training – Unfortunately I didn’t do as well with my running in February as I did in January. I got sick and had to sit out for about a week since when it’s hard to breath sitting, you don’t really want to try running. Then, with Zach staying with us and trying to get him where he needed to be, fed, and in bed at a decent hour, running was pushed to the back burner. I've picked it back up now and just in time to run our first 5K on Saturday.
3.   CPA –  I’ve sent in my information to change my name to the board so hopefully that should be done soon. As soon as that gets done, I’ll register for my first exam and start studying!
4.   Books – I’m not doing so well on this one. I still haven’t finished my first book. I’m hoping to finish it in the next few days and get started on book #2. I’ve got to pick up the pace if I’m going to finish 11+ books in 10 months!
5.   Clean out the clutter – This month we cleaned out and organized our den/study. My parents gave us 3 bookcases and it really helped to have a place to put everything. We also rearranged the room so we would have more space in there.

Overall, I slid backwards a little bit in February, but here's to getting back on track in March!

1 comment:

  1. Just knock off the "reality" T.V. offerings and you should be able to work your book schedule out.

    I did a 5K once when I was much younger and weighed less than a baby buffalo. I finished in under an hour. Lots of girls passed me, so I know you will do well. :)
