Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Camping - Eisenhower State Park

This past weekend, Josh and I went camping with our friends, TJ and Allison. We went up to Eisenhower State Park on Lake Texoma. On Friday night, we explored around by the lake a little bit and hung out. On Saturday afternoon, Josh and I rented a pontoon boat and went out on the lake for a few hours. We tried fishing some, but we weren't getting any nibbles (found out later that the game warden said all the fish were in the deep water), so we just enjoyed the wonderful weather on the lake. We decided to cut our trip short by a night since it was super windy (and getting windier) and we didn't sleep good on Friday night due to the wind. We had a great time camping and catching up with Allison and TJ and we'll definitely go back to Eisenhower State Park. It was a great place to camp!

Our campsite
Beautiful Lake Texoma

Allison, TJ, and their dog Penny (she didn't want to smile for the camera)

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