Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Book #2 - The One You Love

This past weekend I finished book #2 for the year, The One You Love by Paul Pilkington. It's one of the top downloaded mystery books on Amazon. Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Emma Holden's nightmare has just begun. Her fiancé vanishes, leaving the battered and bloodied body of his brother in their London apartment. Someone is stalking her, watching her every move. And her family are hiding a horrifying secret; a secret that threatens all those she loves. In a desperate race against time, Emma must uncover the truth if she ever wants to see her fiancé alive again.
I really enjoyed this book. It started off a little slow, but picked up after a few chapters and soon I couldn't put it down. There's several twists and turns in the book and I really didn't know who did it until the end of the book. To me, the author could have tied up the end of the book a little more. He solved the main plot, but left the reader hanging on how everything for the characters turned out. I like things to be tied up in a pretty package at the end. If you have a Kindle, I would recommend downloading and reading this book.

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