Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Book #1 - Waking Up Married

 A few days ago I finished book #1 for 2013, Waking Up Married by Mira Lyn Kelly. It was a cute little book about a night in Vegas that doesn't turn out exactly as expected. Here's the synopsis from Amazon:

Her first thought: "Who are you?"
It's the morning after her cousin's bachelorette party in Vegas and Megan Scott wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. Even worse, she's in a stranger's penthouse having woken up with something else as well—a funny, arrogant, sexy…husband!
Up until now, finding even a boyfriend had seemed impossible—been there, got the broken heart, sworn off men for good. Then a few martinis with Carter…no, Connor Reed and she's gone from first meet to marriage in one night!
Megan wants a lawyer. But Connor's shocking bombshell?
"I don't want a divorce."
I enjoyed the read that chronicles their relationship and their "dating" after they get married in Las Vegas. It's a fun, cute little read perfect for vacation or just relaxing.

I'm already off to a better start on my books this year than last year!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Eat, Sleep, SKI

Last weekend, Josh and I spent the long weekend in Keystone, CO skiing. We left on Friday morning and were on the slopes by Friday afternoon. Luckily Keystone has night skiing, so we were able to stay on the slopes later than at most places. It took us a while to get our feet back under us since it's been a few years since either one of us have been skiing (not to mention how much different Colorado skiing is than New Mexico skiing), but by the end of the weekend, we were skiing greens, blues, and even a black!

Headed into the mountains from Denver
We made it to the slopes!
On the lift

On Saturday night, we got to meet up with our friends, Kasey and Jake, for dinner. They live in Colorado Springs and it was so great to see them!
This is a BBQ place on the mountain. It is at the bottom of Dercum mountain (the main peak at Keystone) and North Peak and the only way to get to it is to ski to it!
Josh chillin at LaBonte's cabin.

That's Breckenridge in the background

On the gondola
Sunset on the mountain
This is the view from our condo. We were just a few steps from the base of the mountain and ski lifts!


We might get a little goofy on the mountain...
I can't let him have all the fun!

We drove past the Continental Divide on our way back to Denver.
Josh was a little nervous driving on the narrow winding mountain roads. I just took pictures!
We had a great time in Colorado and can't wait until our next ski trip! Anyone want to go with us next year?!

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Goals

Happy New Year! I finally finished setting my goals for 2013! I did really well on my goals for 2012 and hope to have as much or more success with my 2013 goals. I really enjoyed having something to work towards and goals to complete for the year, so more goals for 2013 it is!

Here's my 2013 goals:
1. Be active.
2. Read 13 books.
3. Learn to sew.
4. Pay off 20% of our debt.
5. Have dinner/game night/etc. with friends once a month.

A little explanation on why I set these goals and how I'm going to accomplish them...

1. Be active - I want to make exercise a part of my life, not just something I do sometimes. I want it to become an every day kind of thing. Being active takes on many forms whether it's doing a program like Insanity (starting tomorrow!), taking a kick-boxing class, running, going on nightly walks with the hubby, skiing...the possibilities are endless.

2. Read 13 books - In 2012, I read (almost) 12 books, so I decided to go for reading 13 books in 2013. One of the reasons, I struggled with meeting my books goal last year was because of studying for the CPA exam. After a few hours of hard studying, I did not want to pick up a book and read more whether it was for fun or not. I don't have any studying this year, so it should be much easier to complete this goal.

3. Learn to sew - I know in my head how to sew, but I need A LOT of practice. I also need to learn when to use what stitches, what types of material for what things, etc. I keep seeing things on Pinterest that I want to make, but need to know how to sew to make it. :)

4. Pay off 20% of our debt - The only debt Josh and I have is student loans and the truck. We've come up with a plan to have all of our debt paid off within 5 years (no later than the end of 2017), so for year 1 we need to pay off 20%. We'll have to make some sacrifices and make sure we stick to our budget, but I really think we can do it and it will be nice to be debt free!

5. Have dinner/game night/etc. with friends once a month - I want to stay connected with friends better and spend more quality time with them, so I thought this would be a good way. Some months we may do a double date night out to dinner, other months we may do a big game night and invite lots of people over, or go camping. We're open to all sorts of ideas! Friends, be ready when we ask or reserve a month now! :)

Well, there you have goals for 2013. There are other things I'm hoping to do this year too, but these are my main goals that I want to be held accountable for. Be on the lookout for updates throughout the year!