Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goals Update - October

October went by extremely fast! It was a crazy month for us...I took my last part of the CPA exam, football continues to keep us very busy, and we're still trying to get all of our boxes unpacked.
Here's the update for October:
1.   Blog – I've done good with blogging this month. The football reports will keep coming as the season continues and as other things happen.
2.   Marathon Training – I'm still working out with the girls at work during our lunch break. There's been days when I really didn't want to go, but it's been nice having them there to encourage me and to make me go. Let's be honest, I'm not going to be running a marathon this year, but the main point of this goal was to be active which I am now completing.
3.   CPA – I took my last section of the CPA exam on October 1st and am still waiting for my results. I should find out my score next week and hopefully then I'll be done for real!
4.   Books – I finished book #8 and book #9 this month. I just have 3 more to go over the next 2 months to finish my goal. I haven't started book #10 yet, but will be soon.
5.   Clean out the clutter – I've been putting things in a giveaway/goodwill pile as I've been going through things and unpacking more boxes.

October was a good month and I can't believe 2012 is almost over. The holidays are on their way, which makes me very happy! I love the holidays and getting to spend time with family!

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