Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Goals Update - October

October went by extremely fast! It was a crazy month for us...I took my last part of the CPA exam, football continues to keep us very busy, and we're still trying to get all of our boxes unpacked.
Here's the update for October:
1.   Blog – I've done good with blogging this month. The football reports will keep coming as the season continues and as other things happen.
2.   Marathon Training – I'm still working out with the girls at work during our lunch break. There's been days when I really didn't want to go, but it's been nice having them there to encourage me and to make me go. Let's be honest, I'm not going to be running a marathon this year, but the main point of this goal was to be active which I am now completing.
3.   CPA – I took my last section of the CPA exam on October 1st and am still waiting for my results. I should find out my score next week and hopefully then I'll be done for real!
4.   Books – I finished book #8 and book #9 this month. I just have 3 more to go over the next 2 months to finish my goal. I haven't started book #10 yet, but will be soon.
5.   Clean out the clutter – I've been putting things in a giveaway/goodwill pile as I've been going through things and unpacking more boxes.

October was a good month and I can't believe 2012 is almost over. The holidays are on their way, which makes me very happy! I love the holidays and getting to spend time with family!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! We carved pumpkins this year! We decided we would carve pumpkins to support our house divided this year. Josh's looked really good when it was carved, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it lit up until after it had sat outside for a week (same for the football). Anyway, enjoy!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Book #9 - Married by Mistake

Thursday night I finished book #9 of the year, Married by Mistake by Abby Gaines. It's a very easy read that I finished in about 3 days because it keeps you interested the whole time to see what's going to happen.

Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Do not adjust your set. That really was Casey Greene being jilted by her fiancé on live TV! And that really was Memphis's most eligible bachelor who stepped in to marry her instead.
Millionaire businessman Adam Carmichael wanted only to help Casey save face. He isn't prepared for the news that their "fake" wedding is legal and binding.
While they secretly wait for an annulment, media and family scrutiny forces them to put on their best loving-couple act. Except by now, neither one is quite sure who's acting....
 It is a very predictable book with a few twists. You know what's going to happen in the end, but it's like watching your favorite chick flick when you're sucked in anyway. I'm just a sucker for a good love story. This was another free book I downloaded to my Kindle. If you just look, there are lots of free books out there!

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Dallas Skyline

This week Richardson played Dallas Skyline, one of the top ranked teams in the state. They lost 49-20, but showed that they can play with the top teams. I know the score doesn't look like it, but for the first quarter and a half, RHS was in the game. A few turnovers really made the difference in the game. If the Eagles can get those under control, then they can beat anyone. Two more games left in the season, need 1 more win for the playoffs...

Season Record: 3-5 (3-2 in district)

Next Week: RHS vs Richardson Berkner
The Skyline band is always fun to watch! P.S. Check out their student section on the was packed!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Book #8 - The Coach's Wife

A few days ago I finished book #8 of the year, The Coach's Wife by Carolyn Allen. I had read really good reviews about this book and it had some great insight into what life is like as a coach's wife, particularly a Texas high school coach's wife. The author, Carolyn Allen, is the wife of Highland Park High School's head coach, Randy Allen. They have been at numerous high schools throughout Texas prior to Highland Park. There is nothing quite like Texas high school football so it was good to have insight from someone who has been there in both a small town and big city. We have no idea where the coaching life will take us so it's nice to know what it's like it both places.

The description that Amazon gives of the book is:
The coach's wife is proud to stand beside her husband. She's not in the limelight in the shadow of or behind her coach. Yes, the spotlight shines on him; however, they are both hanging on as life during the season takes on intensity like no other. Emotions are high. Time is short. And the pressure is to win. The coach s wife is doing everything to keep the marriage and family going: waiting, cheering, moving, crying, budgeting, scrapbooking, repairing,traveling, praying, and juggling it all. Coaches wives believe that the calling of a coach is a noble one: to instill integrity, courage, and sportsmanship in the next generation.
There is a lot of great insight in this book about how to keep the household running during the season when Coach is incredibly busy and not home much. There's also chapters about dealing with the community and parents and how to handle your life in the spotlight. One thing I found particularly interesting was a comparison of a coach's family to a minister's family and how the two are similar in that in both of them people are watching you and how you live all of the time and that the only people that truly understand your life are other coaches/ministers. I have often compared a coaching staff to a church staff many times as I see how alike they are and how similar the lifestyles are.

Anyway, I would recommend this book to any coach's wife, no matter the level or sport. While the book does focus on Texas high school football coaches and their families, it would be beneficial for any coach's wife to read.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Dallas W.T. White

This week Richardson played Dallas W.T. White for Homecoming. I don't think they could have asked for a better game for Homecoming. It was a back and forth game with neither team ever really pulling away with the game ending in a Richardson victory! I think the final score of 53-44 was the largest lead either team had. Richardson only needs 1 more win out of the last 3 games to go to the playoffs! Let's go Eagles!

Season Record: 3-4 (3-1 in district)

Next Week: RHS vs Dallas Skyline

Homecoming Queen nominees

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Lake Highlands

This week Richardson played Lake Highlands. There's not a whole lot I can say about this game since Richardson lost 41-0. It was as ugly as it sounds. Hopefully the team can get back on track with a win next week for homecoming. We just need 2 wins out of the last 4 games to make playoffs!

Season Record: 2-4 (2-1 in district)

Next Week: RHS vs Dallas W.T. White

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Friday Night Lights: RHS vs Dallas Sunset

This week Richardson played Dallas Sunset and won 36-0. The game actually was called with 5 minutes to go because of a bench-clearing fight. Needless to say, the coaches were not happy. I didn't go to the varsity game since it was away and on Thursday night, but I did go to the Freshman and JV games at home on Wednesday night. We're at the halfway point in the season, are 2-0 in district, and hopefully we can keep the ball rolling!

Season Record: 2-3

Next Week: RHS vs Lake Highlands
Coach at the Freshman game