Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goals Update - May

Another month of 2012 has come and gone. May was busy for us, but didn't fly by quite as fast as some other months. I'm excited that summer is here now and into full swing! I just wish I got the summer off from work...

Anyway, here's May's update:

1.   Blog – I blogged a couple of times in May, but like I said we were busy. I'm still keeping up with it and that's what matters.
2.   Marathon Training – In May, studying took the place of running, working out, and pretty much everything else except for work and sleeping. At some point I'll figure out how to balance everything just not sure how long that's going to take.
3.   CPA – I took my first part, Audit, on May 19th. I should have my scores back in the next few weeks and I'm hoping for good news! I just started studying for my second part, BEC - Business Environment and Concepts, and I'm looking to take that one at the beginning of July.
4.   Books – I finished book #3 and book #4 in May! I'm definitely getting back on track with my 12 books this year goal. I haven't started on book #5 yet, but I will soon...maybe even tonight!
5.   Clean out the clutter – Didn't really do much as far as cleaning out clutter this month. We'll get started on cleaning some things out as we start to pack our stuff up in June. Our lease is up in July and we're moving somewhere, but we just don't know where yet! 

June is here and will be bringing our first anniversary!! Can you believe we've been married almost a year?! It some ways it seems longer, but in other ways it seems much shorter. We're going on a cruise to celebrate and we're so excited! I think we've both been counting down to it since we booked it! :) I love traveling and I'm so happy to have a husband that enjoys exploring new places with me!

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