Monday, July 15, 2013

Visit to the RGV

At the end of June, Jonathan (my brother), Josh, and I went down to the valley to visit family. We had a blast just hanging out and relaxing with everyone down there. Unfortunately, we don't get to see each other all that often, but we certainly have a great time when we do get together. Our family knows how to have fun!

I think one of the highlights for Josh was getting to drive on the new "Texas Autobahn"
Family pool party
Monkey faces! (Can you tell we're related?!)

Family dinner at the Country Club

One of the best never have to get out of your tube!

Best food on the island!
Had to check on the progress of Baylor's new football stadium on the way home...
Can't wait for the new stadium to open!

Rangers vs A's

For our anniversary last month, Josh surprised me with tickets to the Ranger game! I'd been bugging him for a while about when we were going to go to a game, so it was a great surprise. The Rangers lost, but we still had a good time at the game!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

CPA Swearing-in Ceremony

About a month ago, we went down to Austin for my CPA Swearing-In Ceremony. This was the culmination of a year of hard work and many long hours of studying as I received my CPA certificate. It was extra special because my grandfather, who is also a CPA, got to present my certificate to me.

Thankful for a very supportive husband...
...and parents...
...and grandparents!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Book #6 - Stuck in the Middle

A few weeks ago I finished book #6 of the year, Stuck in the Middle by Virginia Smith. It's about a girl that's the middle sister and is trying to match up to her sisters and be what she thinks a guy wants her to be instead of being herself. Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Joan Sanderson's life is stuck. Her older sister, Allie, is starting a family and her younger sister, Tori, has a budding career. Meanwhile, Joan is living at home with Mom and looking after her aging grandmother. Not exactly a recipe for excitement. That is, until a hunky young doctor moves in next door. Suddenly Joan has a goal--to get a date. But it won't be easy. Pretty Tori flirts relentlessly with him and Joan is sure that she can't compete. But with a little help from God, Allie, and an enormous mutt with bad manners, maybe Joan can find her way out of this rut. Book 1 of the Sister-to-Sister series, Stuck in the Middle combines budding romance, spiritual searching, and a healthy dose of sibling rivalry.
This was a book I downloaded for free on my Kindle and I enjoyed it. Joan does get a little bit whiny and oh poor me at times, but overall it's a good book. Of course, it is very predictable, but if you like a good love story, then you should give this book a try.

Race for the Cure Plano

On June 8th, Josh and I ran Race for the Cure in Plano. I was very proud of how I ran and my finish time of 37:32. It made the running to train for the race worth it and makes me want to run more. The early mornings and hot days aren't always fun, but it's worth it for me to feel good and to be proud of myself for what I can accomplish.
Before and after the race
My division and official time
At the start of the race

Evidently I look like I'm dying towards the end of a race on a hot day.

He's going for the pass...

Josh doesn't have the dying look down yet.

If you want to see more pictures from the race, you can click here.