Thursday, May 16, 2013

Head for the Cure

On Saturday, I participated in the North Texas Head for the Cure 5K to help raise money for brain cancer awareness and research. I walked it with a couple of friends from work representing Team Dr Pepper.We had a good time running a little, but mostly walking the course. It was a fun way to get exercise while helping out a great cause.

Running through the crowds at the beginning

This is what we looked like most of the time
"Sprint to the finish!" - me, Jeanine, and Edna crossing the finish line

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Spring is Here - Get Outdoors!

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the blog. I know I haven’t posted anything in a while, but I am now! Josh has been busy with Spring Football and the winding down of the school year (yay!), but mostly we’ve been enjoying our lightening schedule. Josh has four more weeks of school left until summer and I’m just looking forward to summer hours at work (come on Memorial Day…ready for half day Fridays). We’ve got a busy, fun-filled summer ahead of us that we are very much looking forward to if we can just get there!

Since the weather has warmed up (finally!), we’ve been going on walks in the evenings after work. Sometimes I go by myself if Josh has late practice, but I’ve just been enjoying getting out and getting some fresh air after the never-ending winter. We have a nice hike and bike trail about half a mile from our house that we’ve been making good use of. We like having it there and having so many options for how long we want our walk to be. There’s a school with several ball fields and playgrounds by the trail too that always has lots of people, so I still feel safe even when I’m by myself.

I’m probably going to start adding a little jogging/running to my walks soon to add a little extra challenge and to prepare myself for some 5K races this fall. I want to make sure I ease into it so I don’t hurt myself. I’m already plagued by shin splints a lot of the time, so I definitely don’t need anything else to hurt. The ice packs on my legs sure help me to cool off when I come in though! :)

In the last month, I’ve also picked up another new hobby – I’ve started playing golf. Josh likes to play golf when we go on vacation, so I thought I’d learn how to play so I can play with him this year instead of just driving the cart. We’ve played a few rounds and he’s been a good coach, not getting too mad at me. :) I did improve from the first round we played to the second round by 5 strokes. I just wish it wasn’t such an expensive hobby!

First time out - nine hole at The Practice Tee
First round of 18 at Keeton Park
Second round of 18 at Sherrill Park
As you can see, Spring has brought a renewal to my “be active” goal. I just don’t do well getting out in the cold. That’s why I live in Texas! Short winters, lots of heat…that’s what I like! Hardly ever will you hear me complaining about the heat, I love it!